
rendezvous de aout (part of 'rendezvous...' series)

the sun is brilliant
edith piaf sings to me
            milord sing with me    dance with me

my pen drinks the ash from the lucky
            chante milord   chante

the paper is stained with ink and coffee
and the air smells of garlic and toast

patrons buzz and staccato laugh
but stop to stare
when you walk into the cafe
all is quiet but dear edith continues
            padam  padam  padam

'life is pure
but I am not innocent'
you had once told me

            I dreamt of you last night
            a time when we were pure
heavy drunk eyes land on me
to grab my face
smells of fresh cigarette and faint lilacs possess me
                        mon ami          mon ami
                        let me drink from the cup and see to it that you are full

we reminisced about the day
your nails are polished and white
dimples – your smile

I look towards home
the sun is brilliant
orchids are in full bloom
edith piaf serenades my tired ears

Capucine         full of life