
the only one

fortunes dispel forecasts of cloudless weather
as raindrops fall down on whitewashed minarets
constructed eons ago

the ancient maple tree sprouts its leaves as
it has done for the last two hundred years
while the skies turn grey for the first time today

the greenery is dimmed under the darkening
sky and the tree bows down under the
heavy pounding rain

children father under the tree to wait
for the rainbow and the gold at it's end
but their mothers yell at them to come inside

can you blame them and their desire to
take their brothers and sisters and mother
and father to a better place?

thunder rolls lazily across the sky and
shakes the maple tree with fright
creating a deluge shower for the lone figure below

the wind whips the leaves in anger and
the branches ride it out without a choice
and the lone figure sits rocking on her knees

she hopes to see the rainbow first
and reach the end first
so she can finally have a family


  1. So this is about a woman who is fantasizing or rather hoping to start a family?

  2. So this is about a woman who is fantasizing or rather hoping to start a family?
