
sunday misadventure

WHAT a sight did I see!
            it was a bazaar!
let me tell you this -
            it was quite bizarre!

a man, a dove, a turtle, a trick
            a rope, a ladder, and an afro pick!

the turtle jumped - I swear to God
            the dove impaled it with a red hot rod!

the man, oh MAN, it was nuts
            shot the dove and ate the guts!

he propped the ladder on the stage
            and slapped himself in fits of rage!

he combed the audience for a suitable mate
            but he ended up with someone less than great!

the man grabbed the rope and tied the pick
            and the next part, oh DAMN, it made me sick!

the selected gal climbed the ladder
            and he hoisted her up higher and higher!

but the rope and the pick didn't agree
            so down she went like bags of potpourri!

he tried to catch her but he failed
            and everyone's face was white and pale!

she landed on him head first - feet last
            so we all fled the bazaar quick and fast!

so here I am telling you this story -
            avoid bazaars they're weird and gory!

I'm scared scarred and forever hurt
            so I'll make this statement quick and curt!

I drank a gallon of generic pesticide
            soon I'll have committed suicide!

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